

Encouragement, support and friendship, join us as we grow together

Our Vision

At TVC Church, every teenager valued for who they are and who they are growing to be. We have a heart to be real, to build relationships and to journey together…while having a lot of fun on the way!

What’s on?

Anybody who is in school years 7 to 13 is welcome to get involved in any of our Youth activities.


At TVC Church, we are a multi-generational Church, which means that we love to be together as Church family.  But you know, sometimes teens hang with the family and sometimes they want to be teens together – so we want to we want to strike a balance between things that are just for you and joining together with the wider church.

Youth gather for a dedicated youth service during both our 9am and 11am services on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. On the remaining two Sundays, we stay together as part of the wider church family.



Relentless is our monthly youth gathering which focusses on worship, connection and equipping our teenagers to live a life fully connected to God.  It happens on the first Friday of each month in the function room and is generally loud!  The focus is first and foremost on worship and empowering our youth to have a connection with God.  There is also a short talk and of course space to connect with one another.

TVC Church Youth – Fridays

When it isn’t a ‘Relentless’ week, we get together to celebrate that it is the end of the school week!  Whether it be a trip out or evening together at The Oakwood Centre, if you are in year 7 to 11, you are welcome to join us for fun, faith and friendship.

Meet the team

We have a great team of volunteers who are dedicated to encouraging and discipling our Youth. Our teams are headed up by Dave and Hannah Mumford.

Dave and Hannah are married and have 2 boys. They are passionate about making Jesus known wherever they go. Dave works full time for our training arm Three13 and Hannah works for local charity Open Doors.