Our Values
There are six core values which characterise us
Values Matter!
Shared values help people feel connected. They help to define us as being part of the same family and they shape how we do things. At TVC Church we have six core values:
- We Live For The Glory Of God – Jesus said that the greatest commandment was to: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind’ (Matthew 22:37). That is our priority in all areas of life.
- We Reach Out To Others – Jesus said, in what is known as the Great Commission, ‘Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them… and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you’ (Matthew 28:19-20). We share our faith with others so that they can enjoy the blessing of life with Jesus.
- We Grow In Our Faith – We believe that everyone can move forward in faith. There is always more to discover about God and we can always grow to become more like him.
- We Bring Compassionate Transformation – We express God’s love through practical action
- We Are A Multi-Generational, Multi-Cultural Family – We are part of God’s family. He loves everyone and it is a delight that in TVC Church we have people of all ages and from many different nations.
- We Are Generous To Others – Our vision as a church goes beyond ourselves. We are called to be a blessing to others and to invest into the Kingdom of God in other places and other nations.
Each of these core values is explored in more depth in this talks, available via YouTube.