This prophetic word has been brought to us as a Church, through Julia Thompson.

2 Chronicles 7:14If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

The Lord keeps bringing me back to this verse.

I believe He wants us to truly heed it, as it is very pertinent for us in these times.

I think He’s highlighting that we all have “wicked ways” we need to turn from. These need not be huge things—just anything that gets in the way of following God as He deserves. This applies both individually and corporately. We each need to examine ourselves and identify our wicked ways—our attitude to money, work, sport, excessive TV, or even family—anything we put before Him.

Now is the time to really pray and be humble before our God. We need to pray like never before. I believe God is saying that unless we truly turn to Him, we will not experience all that He has for us. It’s about giving ourselves more fully to Him, partnering with Him, and only then will we see His kingdom come in the fullness we are yearning for.

We need to confess those ways that are not godly, and as we turn to Him, He will heal us and our land.

God is asking us to change, for all of us to consciously move towards Him, and then stand back and see what He will do. Too many of us are standing back now, waiting for Him to move.

Let’s examine our hearts and seek His face. Let’s rekindle our love for Him and reconnect with our first love. Let there be no obstacle within us that slows down the momentum of the move of God in our lives.

We need to tip the balance towards Him once again to release the healing of our land.