In a world where fake news is everywhere you look and where everyone has an opinion, it is more important than ever to ensure that you are in full possession of the facts. As TVC Church, we are passionate that people know the word of God for themselves and can effectively apply it to real, everyday life in 2024 and beyond.
Over the past few years, hundreds of us from TVC Church have joined with our ‘Taking Ground’ partner churches in ‘School of Applied Theology’. This course has been specially created to help you to get to know and to understand the Bible for yourself.
Who is School of Applied Theology for?
It is for literally everyone who has a desire to know the Bible more. From teenagers to pensioners and everybody in between – everyone is welcome on SAT! You don’t even need any qualifications! Whether you did well at school, or you didn’t get it at all – our tutors are ready to help you to understand the Bible and to apply it to your life today!
But isn’t Theology really hard?
Yes it can be – however, this course has been designed to be totally accessible to everyone. Whether you have been studying the Bible for years, or it is brand new to you – this course will take you from where you are and will deepen your foundations.
What do our students say?
How can I sign up?
Applications are now open for next academic year. Why not sign up today?
13 Jun 2024