The sun was shining, and the estate had a real atmosphere of laughter and excitement.

The team organised lots of great activities, including face painting, glitter tattoos, a panna inflatable football cage, carnival games, a bouncy castle, the Message bus, and five craft areas, all free of charge, along with refreshments.  

Jennie Potter shared, “We had a fantastic day, and people were overwhelmed by the love and generosity they experienced. It was an event for everyone, but as Christians, Jesus was definitely at the heart of the day as we brought the community together.

“The Eden Ragworth & Primrose Hill team and the wider TVC Church family of volunteers enjoyed chatting and sharing visitors about other aspects of the ministry.” 

Here are some reflections from the team:

“What a brilliant day! Lots of conversations with families. It was a lovely spirit-filled atmosphere, and seeing the team together was great.”

“We enjoyed the day. There was a lovely atmosphere, and everyone was really happy. The children (and some adults) enjoyed the crafts.”

“There was a fantastic sense of community. People were chatting and milling around, with many staying longer than planned. People appreciated that they could come and have an affordable family day out.”