
Summer is most definitely here isn’t it! Temperatures are soaring and school is out this week and we know that many of us will be taking the opportunity to have some holiday over the month of August and so we have the opportunity to do something a little different for our Sunday gatherings over the next few weeks.

We just wanted to share with you what our Sundays team and Illuminate team have been busy planning so that you too can look forward to our slightly more varied rhythm over the Summer – as we continue our series ‘The Lord on the Move’.

So what do we have planned…

Well, we have in mind a 2 week rhythm. One is a regular Sunday service with our usual Illuminate children’s groups running as normal.

The other is a specially designed ‘All age Service’ with content that has been chosen to appeal to all of us. We are really looking forward to being together as the whole expression of Church family during these times. During these services, there will be break out rooms for those who are 7 and under (as we know they may find it even harder to sit still than the rest of us!), which will be manned by team just for the sermon. Our usual Illuminate groups won’t be running on those weeks. Instead, we will have shorter sermons from a variety of people who will be known to our children and to the adults.

What does that look like?

Here is a quick overview of how things will go, so that those with young children can get prepared and chat though the changed structure ahead of time. For those of us who do not have young children – just come along as usual and enjoy the varied content.

24th July ‘The Lord of Opened Eyes’ – Mike BeaumontFull Illuminate Groups
31st July‘The Lord of Glory’ – Anna BiddlecombeAll Age Service
7th August‘The Lord of our Attitudes’ – Ray MillsFull Illuminate Groups
14th August‘The Lord of our Idols’ – Helen ConroyAll Age Service
21st August‘The Lord of Challenge’ – Jennie PotterFull Illuminate Groups
28th August‘The Lord of Love’ – Sarah GlasbyAll Age Service

And there’s more!

From Sunday 31st July, we will have different ‘Reflection Stations’ set up throughout the Auditorium. These are for anybody to visit at any point during the service, though we will ask that this is quiet reflection during the quieter parts of the service. We hope that you will enjoy this creative way of worshipping.

If you are new to TVC Church – you are very welcome to join us for any or all of our services. You may like to check out our Sundays page to find out more.

21 Jul 2022

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