We are excited to welcome an amazing team of young people from Texas once again next week! It’s truly wonderful to have individuals willing to travel 4,700 miles to come and serve alongside us – Tees Valley Community Church, and all that God has called us to do here in Teesside.

So how did this come about?

Quite a few years ago, we were connected with some friends ‘across the pond,’ and God placed it on their hearts to bring a group of young adults to the North East of the UK, simply to expand their horizons and give them a new context for journeying with Him and serving Him with all their hearts. Since then, we have benefited from many teams coming over the years.

So who is coming?

We are excited to welcome back Ben, along with this year’s team of young adults. The team is made up entirely of Christians. Not only have they all been saving and fundraising just to serve us as a church, but they have also been spending time praying for us!

When do they arrive?

The team will arrive at The Oakwood Centre at lunchtime on Tuesday, 11th March, and they’ll be with us until Sunday, 16th March, when they will join us for our service and youth service.

What will they be up to?

We are a busy church all week long, and the team will be getting stuck in with many of our mid-week activities. They will be a blessing to the teams that are reaching out into our communities every week! From street evangelism to a community quiz, there will be plenty of opportunities to share testimony, pray, serve food, or simply sit and chat about why they have travelled all this way just to talk about Jesus

Their itinerary includes:

TueWelcome afternoon tea
Evangelism training and equipping
Serving with the Open Well
WedSchools Work –
River Tees Academy, Grangetown (current link with TVC Church)
Middlesbrough ConnectedEvening spent getting to know host families
ThurToastie Thursday @Open Well
Ask the Pastor session @ The Oakwood
Team 1 – Stockton Connect
Team 2 – Youth Bible Study
Team 3 – South Bank Ladies Bible Study
FriTeam 1 – Yarm School
Team 2 – All Saint’s School
Team 1 – Yarm School
Planning and prep for Youth activities and ‘Texan Evening’
Youth @The Oakwood Centre
SatJoint North East Texan Team eventJoint North East Texan Team eventTexan Evening @ The Oakwood Centre
SunYouth Service @The Oakwood Centre

Will I get to meet them?

Yes, of course! If you are at one of the activities they are serving at, please take the time to say hi and thank them for the way they have served us. 

If you are unable to be at one of these activities, make sure to put Saturday, 15th March in your diary! The team is planning a fun, Texan-themed evening just for us. From hot dogs to line dancing, you’re invited to come and hang out with the team for a party – Texan style! 

This year, tickets are £2, and the proceeds will be split between our Youth Group’s chosen charity, Open Doors, and our fundraising for New Day. You can book your ticket here. Everyone is welcome, and it’s going to be great fun! 

So join us this week as we pray for Ben, and the team. Let’s pray that God blesses them, meets their needs, and calms any nerves as they prepare for this exciting time with us at TVC Church.