This prophetic word has been brought to us as a Church, through Dermot O’Higgins.

Eagles fly by initially flapping their wings to take off and accelerate, and then soaring and gliding to save energy. They soar by holding out their wings and using the rising air currents to gain altitude. For eagles, soaring uses far less energy and is more energy-efficient than flapping.

I believe the Lord has this to say: If you place your hope in Me, you will soar like the eagle. You will not ‘flap your wings’ by trying to do things in your own strength. You will renew your strength and conserve energy if you allow yourself to gain altitude like the eagle, so that you are seated with Me in the heavenly realm. Are you keen to gain a panoramic view of the workings of My Kingdom among the nations? Then you must be prepared to allow the air current of My Holy Spirit to lift you to new spiritual heights, so that you soar with Me.

I want you to lift your focus away from your current situation and see the amazing things I am doing among the nations. Do you want to run the race I have set for you and not grow weary? Then allow the air current of My Holy Spirit to fill your spirit, so that you delight in Me and take pleasure in what I choose to do in your life. Resist ‘flapping’ and be led by the current of My Spirit, and I will do amazing things in your life.