This prophetic word has been brought to us as a Church, through Claire Harrison.

Every year before the 1st of January, I spend some time seeking the Lord for the big ‘theme’ that He wants us to catch hold of for the year ahead. As I was praying this year, the Holy Spirit led me to Revelation 4:1

“After this, I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.”

There is a clear trumpet call from the Holy Spirit this year to come up into the Throne Room to receive a fresh, new, heavenly, vision and perspective, and His grace is available to each of us to step up into it!

This invitation came to John in a time when the church was being persecuted. John himself was in exile, and things were very uncertain on the earth. Ungodly political forces reigned, idolatry and ungodliness was everywhere, even in the church…..Does anything sound familiar? In this atmosphere, God’s response was to call John UP, to give him a greater revelation of His glory, to inspire the church to come up higher! I want to invite you to prayerfully meditate on how to respond to the word of the Lord in your own context and come up higher in 2025!

There are five key shifts the Lord wants to emphasise to us:

Earthbound to Heavenly vision

The Holy Spirit is calling us to shift our focus above the mundane, above the problems on the earth, above our own struggles, and enlarge our capacity to see in the spirit and receive His perspective. This will require us to take a step of faith and accept His invitation to ‘Come up here…’ All it takes is a ‘yes’ from us and a willingness to go on a journey of increased prophetic revelation with Him this year!

Fear to Hope

He showed me that fear has crept in to many of His people over the last few years, beginning with the pandemic. It’s been slow and incremental. You used to feel light and optimistic about the future, but now you carry a level of ‘background’ anxiety that dampens your spirit. This is the year of your freedom from fear as you come up into Throne Room encounters with Him!

The commentary of Others to the Word of God

There is a renewed call from the Lord to devour His word. I heard the Lord say, ‘no more social media, soundbite snacking! It’s time to feast, digest, and be nourished by my Word!’ Many have been neglecting the word and replacing it with social media, news, and second-hand revelation, and are left with a constant feeling of dissatisfaction. He is calling you up higher this year to establish new rhythms of devotion and to feel full and satisfied by a daily diet of His word, cultivating a first-hand relationship with His voice. He wants to speak to you!

The Sidelines to the Game

The Lord is calling time on observational, arms-length Christianity that watches from the sidelines and the edges of the church but never gets involved. He is inviting you to ‘get in the game’, using all the gifts and skills that He has stored up in you. He has specific gameplays that only you can bring. He has assignments that wait undiscovered, and He has great adventures that He wants to take you on as you answer the call UP and IN to take your place in the centre of the action. Give Him all the things that keep you on the bench: lack of confidence, lack of time, lack of energy, lack of knowledge. lack of motivation, lack of (put your own words here), and allow Him to train you.

The Mouth of the River to the Source

I saw a great river mouth, flowing into the sea, full of industry, ships coming and going, bustling with activity. Then I saw the source of that river, hundreds of miles away, coming from beneath a rock, in a secret place. The mouth of the river was busy and industrious, but the source was quiet and intimate. I felt the Lord say that many are busy with the ‘outflow’, going about the work diligently and professionally, but they have become disconnected from the ‘source’. There is a renewed call from Jesus to intimacy with Him, to ‘come up here’, away from activity and busyness,to a place of quietness and reconnection with Him.