This week:

  • 1 person at Connect, Middlesbrough decided to make a commitment to Christ
  • 2 of our Three13 learners found hope in Jesus
  • 3 people said yes to God as part our Alpha course
  • 26 of our children made a decision to follow Jesus during our Sunday morning ‘Spark’ group

So what is going on?

Well basically, we have been so impacted by Jesus, who he was, who he is and what he did for us, that we tell people about it, with every opportunity that we get! That might be at an organised event or just in everyday conversation. But along with this, we give people a chance to talk out what it means for them. You can find out more about this by taking a look at Sometimes that is enough and people are ready to invite God into their lives. Other times, they want to chat it out at an Alpha Course, which is currently meeting each Tuesday night.

Each Sunday we meet together as a Church family. We worship God together and then our kids go out to their own age appropriate groups to have fun, make friends and learn about God. This week our children were looking at who Jesus is and what he did for us all. At the end of the session we talked about how you can decide to follow Jesus at any age. Those who wanted to, were invited to pray to God and to accept him for themselves. We caught up with this week’s Spark leader, Sarah and asked her what it was like. Here is what she had to say:

“It was amazing. Right there in the midst of fun and games and craft activities, we were able to take a calm quiet moment to talk about what it means to accept Jesus and to decide to follow him. We prayed in small groups and invited the children to join in a prayer of acceptance if they wanted to. In that moment, something in the atmosphere shifted and I just know that this was a really significant moment for so many of our children. It was such a privilege to be a part of it”.

Young or old, God is meeting with people where they are and is drawing them to himself!