Cornerstone is an Independent Fostering and Post Adoption Support Agency which operates in the North of England.
“We are the only Christian Fostering Agency in the UK. As Christians, we believe we have a special God-given responsibility for the fatherless.”
‘A father to the fatherless is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the the lonely in families.’
Psalm 68: 5-6.
“Spurred on by our faith, we are committed to creating forever families for children, maintaining care into adulthood, rather than letting them go at age 16 or 18.
We are planning to expand our work and we are asking you to help us.
‘It takes a village to raise a child.’ We all have a part to play. Come and get informed and pray our vision into being.”
Come along to an information evening run by our friends at Cornerstone to find out how you can support them and how you can reach out to local children in need of a family.
23 Jun 2022, 19:30 - 21:30
The Function Room