At TVC Church, we believe that a core part of who we are, is that we reach out to others and share the hope that we have found, with them.
Jesus said, in what is known as the Great Commission, ‘Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them… and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you’ (Matthew 28:19-20).
We share our faith with others so that they can enjoy the blessing of life with Jesus.
Alpha is an 8 week course that creates a space, online or in person, where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God.
The Alpha course can be a great way to explore the Christian faith. Through a series of videos and open discussion in small groups, you can discover more about life’s big questions and take the opportunity to reflect on what you believe.
Could you stand beside those who are interested in attending an alpha course?
Could you give over one night a week, over a few weeks, to help somebody else to find this life changing relationship with Jesus?
Once somebody has discovered Jesus, we want to continue to walk with them – to encourage them and support them during the first year of their faith.
Everybody needs a faith friend – and that is exactly what we would like to offer to everybody to makes a commitment to follow Jesus. Somebody to walk alongside them as they take the first steps in their relationship with Jesus.
Soon after becoming a Christian, Dave got involved in the youth ministry at TVC Church. This is his story of how being part of a team, serving God and having a faith friend moved him forward in faith.
“I was trying to do things in my own…